Logistics, the Case Study: The Network Infrastructure Renewal for Stante Group

Supply chain disruptions and cyberattacks are just some of the many challenges in the logistics sector today that require a solution capable of addressing the core of the problem. Stante Group decided to take action by investing in network infrastructure. Thanks to Kymata’s technology, they now manage Wi-Fi access centrally, ensuring real operational continuity

Logistics Today: The Challenges of a Complex World

Supply chain disruptions, environmental impact, customer demands, and cyber threats. For companies like Stante Group operating in the logistics sector today, the challenges are numerous, and the environment in which they operate is increasingly complex.
To maintain a sustainable level of business growth, ensuring operational continuity is imperative. The inevitable solution is to invest primarily in network infrastructure, which must be up to date to ensure the resilience of the system through real-time monitoring and a quick response to the operators’ needs.

The Stante Group Case

Stante Group is a company active in international shipping and logistics since 1973. With offices in Italy located in Bologna, Caserta, Como, Rome, Verona, and Vicenza, and abroad through a network of partners in 62 countries, it ensures regular road, air, and sea transport services.
Every year, the company assists over 10,000 businesses, ranging from multinationals to small enterprises, which entrust their shipments to them. For over three decades, people, experiences, insights, and individual skills have been the driving elements of the value system upon which the business is based.
In recent years, Stante Group has also faced the challenges that have already put many companies in the sector to the test. Renewing the network infrastructure has become a priority. However, only by acting at the core of all operational activities is it truly possible to improve operational continuity and foster business growth.

The Network Infrastructure Renewal Project and Kymata’s Solution

Stante Group decided to address the core of the problem by investing in the complete overhaul of their network infrastructure to ensure total wireless coverage of their storage and logistics warehouse in Pomezia. The new infrastructure had to be highly reliable and allow for 24/7 operational resilience.
For R1 Group, the system integrator leading one of the most significant projects on the national level, the ideal partner to achieve this goal was Kymata. The decisive factors in this choice were Kymata’s proven ability to understand the client’s specific needs and translate them into a project under the guidance and supervision of R1 Group and Stante technicians, adhering to the methods and timelines set by the project management.
The collaboration with R1 provided Kymata’s team not only the opportunity to devise a specific solution for the project but also to offer highly professional support to a complex structure that was using Kymata’s product as an enabling technology for the first time in the definition of an intervention.

The results

Through HPE ANW technology, Stante Group now has the ability to centrally manage all access to the WiFi service, allowing for secure management of both internal users and guests simultaneously. The switch infrastructure was designed and implemented utilizing the stacking capability of the devices, combining multiple physical devices into a single logical unit.

According to Valerio Volpe, IT & Innovation Manager of Stante Group, the return on investment is immediately evident, with immediate benefits for the business: “We have been able to centralize control of the networking infrastructure, optimizing the work of warehouse and storage personnel. Now our team has all the tools necessary to manage the network simply and securely, without wasting time.”

“The proximity to highly qualified players,” specifies Miki Ferrari, Product Manager of Kymata, “increases day by day the certainty of being the reference vendor for highly specialized contexts where radio coverage becomes an integral part of the company’s core structures and processes. In addition to this, it allows us to acquire essential data and experiences for our R&D activity, which is the basis of the constant evolution of our range.”

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